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The Bryan Challenor Memorial Cup

From Left: Rob Braithwaite , Rob Beavan, Nick Challenor and Betty Manley

From Left: Rob Braithwaite , winner Rob Beavan, Nick Challenor and Betty Manley

We would like to congratulate our clients Rob Bevan of Winsbury Farms who won  for best Dairy Cow at Shrewsbury Christmas Livestock and runner up Jonathon Wilkinson.

In June 2014, Bryan Challenor, a cousin and valued friend of Keith Fowles, Director of KLF Insurance Brokers, was diagnosed with Motor Neurone Disease. The hardest part of this diagnosis is that no doctor or specialist can explain how you develop this disease and they cannot offer any treatment either, because there isn’t any.


David Giles and Rob Braithwaite present Jonathan Wilkinson with runner up prize