Clara Bright Rises to the Challenges of 2020
We have all faced challenges in 2020, a very surreal year so far but, our team member, Clara Bright, is taking things to extremes.

In April Clara was going to be running the London Marathon in aid of Montgomeryshire Emergency Doctors (MED). Dr Les Milne, a volunteer doctor at MED, assisted Clara when she had an accident that changed her life forever when she broke five bones in her back – we’re grateful as without that assistance we may not have our valued member of the team.

Clara now has the challenge of running the marathon virtually, not an easy task when the atmosphere, camaraderie and crowd are missing to help you along with motivation. Training hard for 4th October, Clara is a glutten for punishment! She has also signed up for the Thirst Quenchers “Raising the Bar” Cycle Challenge, in aid of Wales Air Ambulance, Parkinsons UK and Breast Cancer Now.

Clocking up the miles, Clara and a team of 30 others will be cycling from Holyhead to Cardiff (approx. 250 miles) on 26th August with the aim of raising at least £5,000 for three very worthy charities that are close to many people’s hearts.
Good luck with all the challenges Clara. If you would like to support you can click the links below:
- Montgomeryshire Emergency Doctors
Cycle Challenge:
- Wales Air Ambulance
- Parkinsons UK
- Breast Cancer Now